Sunday, June 21, 2020

Visual Resume Technical Report Example

Visual Resume in the Today’s Fast-Passing Digital World Abstract A study was conducted to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of visual resume in todays digital world, as many companies prefer recruiting employees through the visual resume. Sampling technique was used in conducting the study where a sample of 100 individuals from the recruitment department from different companies was chosen and used in collecting data. The results revealed that currently, many companies use visual resumes in recruiting new employees. The study findings also indicate that companies recruit new employees after every short period of time mostly less than a year, which is a challenge to many companies, especially those using visual resumes. It is then concluded that visual resume has both advantages and disadvantages. Since many job recruiters like using it despite the many challenges, this reveals that visual resume is beneficial to them. A strategy of combining both visual resume and traditional resume is therefore recommended to be the best way in trying to eliminate the challenges that are met.